
1 DOG,

88.000 KG

To ensure that blind and visually impaired people can move safely through traffic and avoid obstacles, they are often accompanied by guide dogs. These service dogs are specially selected and trained during a lengthy and expensive process.

One of our projects throughout the year is to collect plastic caps and lids to raise money for the Belgian Guide Dog Centre. The caps and lids are sold to a recycling company and processed into new materials. The proceeds are then invested in the purchase and training of a selected puppy.
Seeds of Happiness by collecting plastic caps and lids
When you consider the fact that it takes 88,000 kg of caps and lids to train a single guide dog, you’ll understand how important your help is to us!

Collect as many caps as possible and bring them at a pre-arranged date and time to Smart Media Agency at Leysstraat 27 in 2000 Antwerp.

All caps and lids (bottle caps, jar lids, etc.) are welcome, as long as they are smaller than 25 cm in diameter and kept clean and dry.

Want to schedule a date and time to drop off your caps and lids? Give us a ring at +32 (0)3 289 19 40 or send an email to seeds@smartmediaagency.be


By creating collaborations between the Seeds Of Happiness team and our partners, which are influential companies within different business sectors, we want to create projects and events where we join forces to help different people from diverse walks of life. We will use our ability of storytelling and the products and services of our partners to create a positive change and to put a smile on people’s faces.

Everyone deserves a little bit of extra attention, to be heard and to feel valued. We, at Seeds of Happiness and Smart Media Agency in general, want to provide a safe haven and a community for them. But mostly, we want to make them feel heard.

Seeds of Happiness

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Mental Health Awareness

